Thursday 17 June 2010

Inspiration Source

The moon in his full glory
Is standing all alone,
defeating the murkiness of the sky,
All bright and dazzling in his throne…

Look, look at those mountains
Standing fearless and audacious like a wall,
Protecting its magnificence,
Challenging every tempest and every squall…

Hear the rivers gushing with confidence
Carrying its grace in every course,
Determined to never turn back
moving on with a strong will to meet it’s shore

From the day the earth was formed
To the day I write these lines,
They are and will always be an inspiration,
So beautiful, so glorious and one of their kinds…

Don’t let your fear win over you
And keep your hopes alive,
Let no failure be an obstacle
as one day victory will surely arrive…


itsabeautifullife said...

very well written, something to read every time, when we need a sense of peace as well...

Manip said...

thanks for sharing beautiful inspirational thought

aakash said...

nice poem...
you should write more :)